Real Talk About Sex,
Relationships and
HOT Topics!

with Leslie Gustafson,


Latest Episodes

Expect to learn A LOT about Sex – how to have amazing sex, current #sexgeek facts, hot off-the-press research, sex enhancing tips, sex ed, and how to expand your own eroticism and intimacy.

kim boda mindfulness in and out of the bedroom smart sex podcast

Mindfulness in the Bedroom, with Kim Boda_Episode 36

Kim Boda, today’s guest, is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and Realtors to level up and reach their highest potential through high-performance coaching, mindfulness, and neuroscience programs. She is a ...
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chronic pain, resilience and relationships with amber lago

Chronic Pain Resilience and Relationships with Amberly Lago_Episode 35

Today’s guest has a truly remarkable story of finding grit within and rising strong. After being in a terrible motorcycle accident, Amberly Lago went into a medically induced coma. ...
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Girl Talk with Kathie J - The Smartsex podcast

Girl Talk with Special Guest Kathy J_Episode 34

The Smart Sex Podcast is all about REAL TALK, and today’s guest brings that with a side of laughter and fun. It is my honor, joy and delight to ...
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body image, diet culture and you with leslie schilling

Body Image Diet Culture and You_Episode 33

In the identity development stage of my 20’s, many know, I struggled with body preoccupation, anorexia and bulimia which was my way of dealing with managing a loss, and ...
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Sex Marriage and Laughter with the Ostofes Episode 32

I have a delightful couple on this episode, and we’re going to be talking about sex, marriage, and laughter. Brittany and Ryan Ostofe cohost the podcast “The Laughing Couple,” ...
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Join Leslie and her guests as they talk about
intimacy struggles, misconceptions,
and how to be smarter in the bedroom!


Podcast Host

Leslie Gustafson

Licensed Sex Therapist , Marriage & Relationship Coach & Master Psychotherapist of 30 years.  I say that humbly and for credibility so you know you are in knowledgeable, experienced hands. I have had the privilege of being FOX TV’s Sex & Relationship Expert for 5 1/2 years as well as being a guest on Access Hollywood, and all the major networks and many radio channels. 

It was time to start my own show and dig in more deeply and expressively.

leslie square

Featured Guests

Leslie is joined by several courageous, smart girlfriends willing to talk openly about their own sexual education and sexual experiences. Through much laughter and deep moments, you will hear the truth of what many women live through to learn about sex and become sexual in our Western culture.

Lori Makkai

25 year Health & Fitness Expert. Securities and Finance Adm. Married 24 years with 2 kids. Wise Bible Study Teacher & Mom Mentor.

Laurel Avrin

Newly married, smart, intuitive Organizational & Behavioral Practitioner. US Air Force Veteran and Mother of 2.

Kristen Wheeler

Encourager & inspirer of women through speaking, writing, & her podcast, Confessions of a Super Mom Wannabe.
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