Welcome to The Smart Sex Podcast - Real talk about Sex, Relationships and HOT Topics.
Let’s expand the conversation about SEX, LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS – be better, sexier and smarter for it & have a blast doing it! Pun intended.
In the coming episodes, you can expect we will be talking A LOT about Sex – how to have amazing sex, current #sexgeek facts, hot off the press research, sex enhancing tips, sex ed, and how to expand your own eroticism and intimacy.
You will hear from experts and I will be your personal expert fielding your questions in my “askthetherapist” segments. If you’ve been following me elsewhere on social media platforms you know this is something I’ve been doing for the last 6 years. It will happen here now.
You will also be hearing from couples in love. Couples willing to tell their stories and share the intimate details of their lives and include you in how they navigate their love.
You will be able to listen in on conversations between women (some of my closet, most authentic girlfriends) sharing their real lives, histories, thoughts and humor regarding sex, wife-ing, mom-ing, their relationships, what they want and their big opinions about current HOT topics.
And, you will hear from men – Real Men willing to talk real about what it means to be a man in the current age and how life, sex and relationships work for them and what they want and hope for. My therapist husband will show up here too at times so I can pick his big, sexy brain and you can benefit from that.
And we will have adventures where I learn about new things, try them out and let you in on the experiences. Yes. I kept that vague on purpose.
And I hope you will tune in.
I hope to entertain you! If these episodes aren’t stimulating, fun, interesting and at times lol humorous, then I’ve missed the point!
So whether you listen in from the privacy of your own cars or rooms with your earbuds in or whether you gather as couples, or with friends and you listen and talk among each other.
Podcast Host
Leslie Gustafson
Licensed Sex Therapist , Marriage & Relationship Coach & Master Psychotherapist of 30 years.
You are in knowledgeable, experienced hands. I have had the privilege of being FOX TV’s Sex & Relationship Expert for 5 1/2 years as well as being a guest on Access Hollywood, and all the major networks and many radio channels.
It was time to start my own show and dig in more deeply and expressively.